Fandaventuras Special publishes Rob the Rover in English: Previews

Fandaventuras Special publishes Rob the Rover in English: Previews

If by any chance you are interested in the Rob the Rover series and can’t read Portuguese, we have great news. José Pires is going to publish the complete work of Walter Booth’s Rob the Rover in English.

After the visits of several Europeans to this site, looking for posts and images regarding Rob the Rover, we established the contact between these readers and José Pires.

This was the first step to the internationalization of the 20-years-old Portuguese fanzine Fandaventuras.

Fandaventuras Special is going to be published in English and the first issue will contain the first of six parts portraying The Flying Fish saga, considered the climax of the series by many authors.

The strips were restored directly from the British Puck magazine, with a quality that’s rarely seen.

You can buy the fanzines directly to José Pires:
gussy[dot]pires[at]sapo[dot]pt (replace “[dot]” by “.” and “[at]” by “@”).

The first issue is due in late March and it will be available to be shipped worldwide.

Here are some previews of this masterwork (click to view full size images):

We are pleased to have played a part, although small, in this project.

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