If you don’t read Portuguese, we have great news for you. Walter Booth’s The Flying Fish saga first volume is out and it’s available to be shipped worldwide. Fandaventuras Special #1 is already been read in Denmark, Sweden, and Norway.
You can buy the fanzines directly to the editor, José Pires:
gussy[dot]pires[at]sapo[dot]pt (replace “[dot]” by “.” and “[at]” by “@”).
To see some previews of this masterwork, do click here.
Meanwhile, you can also appreciate Booth’s art in this poster designed by José Pires:
note: all the images were granted by the editor to be displayed in this site.
Fundador e administrador do site, com formação em banda desenhada. Consultor editorial freelance e autor de livros e artigos em diferentes publicações.