Uma das edições de autor lançadas durante o Amadora BD 2014 foi Solomon de Carlos Pedro. O livro encontra-se em língua inglesa e o autor estará presente na Comic Con do Thought Bubble – The Leeds Comic Art Festival, nos dias 15 e 16 de novembro.
Clique nas imagens para as visionar em toda a sua extensão e com dimensões mais generosas:
Eis a sinopse da obra:
In a small coastal village a one eyed black cat wonders the rooftops owning the night.A friendly young dock worker grants him fresh fish every until the day a group of fishermen bring a strange artifact in the middle of their shipment. What is the mystery behind the stone? What will it bring to the young man’s life? And why do the other catsseem to fear the one eyed black cat? Solomon bends suspense and modern fantasy in a tale of learning to face our losses and moving foward even when life strikes you with the strangest challenges.
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