A chancela editorial portuguesa sediada em Glasgow, no Reino Unido, O Panda Gordo publicou em maio um zine de Mariana Pita, intitulado A Day. Trata-se da banda desenhada com que a autora concorreu à Comics Workbook Composition Competition no ano passado, finalmente disponibilizada aos leitores em formato físico.
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Eis a sinopse da editora:
A DAY, originally made for the Comics Workbook Composition Competition in 2015, takes us through one single day of the lives of a young couple with a peculiar job.
It’s difficult to choose what’s our favourite thing about this comic, if it’s the stunning visual sequences presented in a charming coloured pencil style or the amusing dialogues between the two characters. While the latter is already one of Mariana Pita’s trademarks, the former, despite not being a complete surprise, will amaze even her greatest fans.
Mariana makes illustration, comics, music and animation. She has been developing some incredible work in the last few years, followed by a small but dedicated group of people. I’m lucky enough to be part of that group and it’s a pleasure to finally publish some of Mariana’s work through O Panda Gordo.
- 16 pages
- 27 x 17.5 cm
- full colour inkjet printing
- hand stitch binding
- 1st printing of 80 numbered copies
- £5.00
nota: imagens cedidas pela editora.
Fundador e administrador do site, com formação em banda desenhada. Consultor editorial freelance e autor de livros e artigos em diferentes publicações.