Nas bancas, encontra-se a edição especial norte-americana The New Yorker Cartoons of the Year 2016. Estas antologias anuais em formato de revista iniciaram-se em 2010, sendo constituídas por uma seleção de cartoons do ano a que dizem respeito.
Para a publicação referente a 2016, foram selecionados mais de 250 cartoons de mais de 60 autores, publicados em 2016 na revista The New Yorker. Os cartoons foram agrupados em diversas categorias, como Animal Instincts, Family Matters, Just What the Doctor Ordered, Love Stinks ou On the Couch. Existem ainda 4 bandas desenhadas curtas da autoria de Roz Chast, Liana Finck, Edward Steed e Julia Wertz.
Eis o índice dos autores presentes na publicação:
Darrin Bell 62
Harry Bliss 5, 12, 15, 45, 53, 57, 60, 77, 115, 142
David Borchart 12
Pat Byrnes 32
Roz Chast 7, 55, 75-76, 89, 117, 138
Tom Cheney 9, 48
Tom Chitty 29
Frank Cotham 30, 34
Michael Crawford 78, 96, 133
Joe Dator 46, 120, 134, 139
Drew Dernavich 60, 90, 117
Matthew Diffee 138
Liza Donnelly 28
J. C. Duffy 59
Bob Eckstein 70, 102
Liana Finck 13, 37-40, 55, 95, 137
Emily Flake 26, 28, 87, 121
Seth Fleishman 79, 80
Alex Gregory 70, 124
Sam Gross 135
William Haefeli 22, 122
Kaamran Hafeez 74, 94, 123
Tim Hamilton 93
Charlie Hankin 6, 25, 36, 56, 88
Amy Hwang 21, 51, 54
Carolita Johnson 136
Zachary Kanin 11, 27, 59, 69, 93, 140
Bruce Eric Kaplan 14, 25, 67, 91, 123,
Farley Katz 11, 15, 24
Jason Adam Katzenstein 10, 13, 57, 62, 136
John Klossner 91
Edward Koren 8
Ken Krimstein 19, 82
Peter Kuper 17
Amy Kurzweil 122, 124
Robert Leighton 53, 72, 98, 101, 102, 104
Christian Lowe 78
Robert Mankoff 35, 119
Michael Maslin 80, 132
William McPhail 23, 42, 45, 63, 81, 98, 141
Paul Noth 61, 65, 71, 73, 74, 79, 83, 85, 92, 97, 135
John O’Brien 44
Drew Panckeri 88
Jason Patterson 86, 133
Victoria Roberts 120
Dan Roe 14
Benjamin Schwartz 13, 33, 56, 64, 83, 84, 101, 116
Danny Shanahan 8, 9, 23, 64, 141
Michael Shaw 67
David Sipress 10, 24, 33, 52, 58, 66, 71, 116, 119, 134
Barbara Smaller 19, 22, 27, 30, 36, 54, 94, 118
Trevor Spaulding 43, 85
Edward Steed 16, 34, 43, 44, 49, 68, 86, 99, 103, 105-114
Avi Steinberg 96, 99
Mick Stevens 6, 47, 52, 86, 89, 103
Matthew Stiles Davis 18
Mark Thompson 61
Tom Toro 16, 21, 46, 48, 50, 69, 82, 104
P.C. Vey 31, 35, 90, 95, 137, 140
Liam Walsh 18, 41, 47, 49, 50, 84
Kim Warp 7
Julia Wertz 125-131
Christopher Weyant 31, 42
Shannon Wheeler 73
Gahan Wilson 20
Jack Ziegler 63, 66, 100
Eis a sinopse da editora:
Cartoons of the Year 2016. This year, take a look at C.S.I.: Cartoon Scene Investigation, remember Chairman Mao with Edward Steed, and review books for grownups with Liana Finck. Laugh your way through the holidays with more than 250 of the best cartoons from 2016, plus an introduction by Bob Mankoff and an epilogue by Roz Chast about her book.
The New Yorker Cartoons of the Year 2016
Páginas: 148
Editora: Condé Nast
PVP: 24,90€

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