Justice League inked by Daniel Henriques

Justice League inked by Daniel Henriques

Após o trabalho em Justice League of America (vol. 4) com Bryan Hitch, Daniel Henriques continuou a abrilhantar as páginas da Liga da Justiça com a sua arte-final, desta vez na série Justice League (vol. 3), mais concretamente no arco Outbreak, publicado nos números 8 a 11. O argumento continuou a ter autoria de Hitch mas o desenho competiu a Neil Howards.

No início de fevereiro, Henriques regressará às páginas da série.

Entretanto, clique nas imagens para visualizar os previews de Outbreak em toda a sua extensão:

Eis algumas das páginas (e recortes), antes de serem coloridas por Tony Aviña (#8-9) e Adriano Lucas (#10-11):

Eis as sinopses:

#8 (2 de novembro de 2016; data estampada: Janeiro 2017)
“OUTBREAK” part one! Someone is hacking into the Justice League’s computers, causing the Batcave’s weapons and security systems to turn against the Dark Knight and the Watchtower satellite to plummet to Earth—with Cyborg trapped on board.

#9 (16 de novembro de 2016; data estampada: Janeiro 2017)
“OUTBREAK” part two! The Justice League is under attack from an unseen foe with a vendetta against Earth’s greatest heroes—someone with the power to reprogram Jessica Cruz and Simon Baz’s Green Lantern rings to kill any member of the Justice League.

#10 (7 de dezembro de 2016; data estampada: Fevereiro 2017)
“OUTBREAK” part three! The identity of the Justice League’s mysterious new villain is revealed as the League uncovers a shocking connection to the Kindred invasion. This mysterious new foe ups the ante by releasing dozens of the team’s enemies from prisons around the world! 

#11 (21 de dezembro de 2016; data estampada: Fevereiro 2017)
“OUTBREAK” conclusion! Beaten, battered and outnumbered, the Justice League faces utter annihilation when Amazo and a host of the team’s deadliest enemies are released from prisons around the world as part of one man’s revenge against the world’s greatest superheroes.

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