O português Bruno Borges é novamente publicado na antologia eslovena Stripburger. O volume 69 é o primeiro número de 2017 e, como é habitual, conta com a colaboração de autores de vários continentes:
BANDAS DESENHADAS: Olaf Ladousse (Espanha), Diego Gerlach (Brasil), Eya Mordyakova (Rússia), Roberta Vázquez (Espanha), Elías Taño (Espanha), Andrés Magán (Espanha), Derrengueta (Espanha), Roberto Masso (Espanha), Martín López Lam (Perú), Adrián A. Astorgano (Espanha), Peter Kuper (EUA), Clara Jetsmark (Dinamarca), Gašper Rus (Eslovénia), Javier Triviño Murillo (Espanha/Alemanha), Simon Mackie (Reino Unido), Cecilia Valagussa (Itália), Lukas Weidinger (Alemanha), Cole Johnson (EUA), Bruno Borges (Portugal), Sanja Pocrnjić (Eslovénia).
ENTREVISTAS: David Schilter / kuš! (Letónia), Gašper Rus (Eslovénia)
EDITORIAL: Olaf Ladousse (Espanha)
CRÍTICA: Jakob Klemenčič (Bill Griffith: Invisible Ink. My Mother’s Secret Love Affair with a Famous Cartoonist), Tanja Skale (Max Baitinger: Röhner), Tea Hvala (Kate Evans: Red Rosa)
CAPA: Martín López Lam (Perú)
CONTRACAPA: M. S. Bastian & Isabelle L. (Suíça)
Recorde-se que esta publicação comemora este ano os 25 anos de existência e foi galardoada com o prémio para melhor fanzine em 2001 no Festival Internacional de Banda desenhada de Angoulême.
Clique nas imagens para as visualizar em toda a sua extensão:
Eis a sinopse deste número:
In Spain, as well as elsewhere too, a self-publishing/zine virus is running rampant at the moment, releasing the creativity of many young artists. These artists are sick and tired of waiting in line to be published in established publications, and are self-organizing, self-publishing and establishing their own publications instead. This creative cauldron contains many tasty treats, by which we mean promising young comics artists. A whole bunch of them is presented in the newest 69th issue of Stripburger that starts with a ‘mute text’ penned by the seasoned veteran of the Spanish comics zine scene Olaf Ladousse. Additional information about the unbridled spreading and new mutations of the self-publishing virus can be found in the short text by Martin Lopez Lam who’s created the juicily colourful front cover of the magazine as well.
Equally colourful is the back cover, too, signed by our old Swiss friends M.S. Bastian and Isabelle L. But wait, there’s more! We have another Swiss in this issue, namely David Schilter, who’s otherwise been tied more closely to the Latvian comics magazine kuš! instead as its cofounder and coeditor for the past ten years. His interview explains the genesis and the development of the magazine and shows how they tackle their editorial and publishing work. The second interview features a discussion with Gašper Rus, one of the most prolific domestic comics artists and a long-time collaborator of our magazine.
Variety marks the rest of the content of the magazine as well, since comics are a medium with innovative approaches and of a broad spectrum, and this latest issue of Stripburger clearly testifies to this.
Let yourselves become infected!
Stripburger 69
Maio de 2017
96 páginas

Fundador e administrador do site, com formação em banda desenhada. Consultor editorial freelance e autor de livros e artigos em diferentes publicações.